
【 四方山話 】【 趣味の写真 】【 Diary 】

【 Diary 】のブログ記事

【 Diary 】(ムラゴンブログ全体)
  • [ 201006 ]

    How do you make a highball ? My way to make it was that I filled a glass with ice and one after another in whisky and soda water too. But it was not ... 続きをみる

  • [ 201004 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's cloudy this morning here. How is your morning? Let's have a nice day today too.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap he... 続きをみる

  • [ 201001 ]

    Good morning. This morning is a little dark and cloudy. I think It'll be a rainy afternoon. The seasons were moved. Goodbye "Summer" and welcome "Fal... 続きをみる

  • [ 200917 ]

    It has been about 5 years since I started to play Park Golf. I have few times that I thought I mastered it's technique. But it was my misunderstandin... 続きをみる

  • [ 200914 ]

    Good morning ! It's cloudy and light rain sometimes. I setted a small heater before starting Central Heating. And I'll set a humidifier too.         ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200913 ]

    I want a blanket in addition to the summer comforter tonight. Good night. ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200909 ]

    It was a little humid today, but not so hot. The fan has been making wind and sent it to me while shaking his head this summer. He is just a little o... 続きをみる

  • [ 200907 ]

    The Dam Memorial is still closed, but the large park is well maintained. I took a my pet dog (her name is Piko)in a car and took a walk with her.    ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200906 ]

    It's cloudy and not so hot as yesterday. I'm feeling that anxiety about corona infection is getting weaker resentry. It looks like tourists come back... 続きをみる

  • [ 200905 ]

    A hot and humid day continues, isn't it. I cleaned up the planter that I planted tomatoes and etc. The tomatoes were not so sweet and less than I exp... 続きをみる

  • [ 200820 ]

    おはようございます。たっぷり睡眠… (^-^ ✨ きれいな庭園散歩してきました。 今日はどうする… まだ未定です ^ ^          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200819 ]

    北か東の果てまで❗️と思って出たけれど…二時間ほどの キャンプ場で早々とビールしてます (^-^ ✨ 久しぶりにサザン 🎶  遠くに小さなテントが一つ … 時折り風が心地よくです。          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my bl... 続きをみる

  • [ 200726 ]

    峠をひとつ超えて"赤井川"へ向かってます。 展望所から"小樽"です。          広くて綺麗に整備されたパークゴルフ 場、5コースをのんびり巡ると お昼になった。サンドイッチと野菜ジュースとタピオカドリンク ^ ^ 運動公園の木陰に停めて涼んでます。          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ P... 続きをみる

  • [ 200705 ]

    6時にキャンプ場を出て来た道を戻る・・・ 途中、お湯を沸かしてカップ麺とにお握りを 入れてグツグツと・・・ 朝ごはん ^^ 良い天気の日曜日になりました。                   ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. T... 続きをみる

  • [ 200704 ]

    おはようございます(^-^ ✨          稚内に入り… 白い道(貝殻ロード)〜宗谷岬 キャンプ場に入りビールです🍺 今日はここ迄です。          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200703 ]

    8時にスタートして現在9時過ぎ"あいろーど厚田" 山梨NOのライダーと… 北上するとのこと。 私は車旅で"初山別" まで… 明日稚内へと思ってます。          小平町"鰊番屋"                            初山別、日が沈み…           丸いお月さま… お... 続きをみる

  • [ 200626 ]

    I went to US several times. I was nervous when I got the immigration of my first visit. I was preparing to say "Sightseeing". The examiner asked me, ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200616 ]

    It was cloudy and rainy sometimes today. But there was no wind and it was quiet. The picture is the scenery reflected in the back window of my car. G... 続きをみる

  • [ 200607 ]

    This picture is the scenery of yesterday. It was cloudy and cold this morning but it has been sunny in the afternoon. But the temperature is low. Goo... 続きをみる

  • [ 200606 ]

    It's for a while. Are you OK? I'm good. It's cloudy this morning. I think it will not to be sunny but not be rainy today. It's no problem for playing... 続きをみる

  • [ 200528 ]

    I walked along the river. The fresh green is beautiful and I heard a bird chirping. I enjoyed the comfortable time.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click o... 続きをみる

  • [ 200526 ]

    Good morning. The emergency declaration is over in Hokkaido too, but I still have concerns, so I'll live carefully for a while. Have a nice day.     ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200525 ]

    It's been a while, everyone. It seems that we can be released little from the days of patience. But, we have to do our best until we can have a peace... 続きをみる

  • [ 200520 ]

    I'm glad to see you this year too. I believe to see you also next spring. Thank you.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Tha... 続きをみる

  • [ 200519 ]

    In summer, the semi-underground storeroom is cool and comfortable. But now it's a little cold.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my... 続きをみる

  • [ 200514 ]

    Please be careful. Sometimes weird emails come in ... Japanese isn't correct ...          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank y... 続きをみる

  • [ 200512 ]

    Did you receive the mask? I haven't received it yet. The prime minister uses a similar one ... .          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200510 ]

    It's a rainy Sunday and very quiet today. There is only that the sound of drops hitting the bay window and the sound of my touching the keyboard. My ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200507 ]

    The consecutive holidays of a dreamlike scene are over. It was not a bad dream, it was a reality. The problem has not been resolved yet. Let's do our... 続きをみる

  • [ 200506 ]

    The consecutive holidays in May are over.  But the emergency is continues. I have never experienced like these some months in my life. What I can do ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200503 ]

    Good morning everybody. It's the morning of light cloudy Sunday. I have a lot of to do. For example, I can organize my bookshelves and the closet and... 続きをみる

  • [ 200501 ]

    Good morning everyone! The best season of Japan, It's in May. But, let's stay at home now for to have a wonderful spring of next year. Let's to be a ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200429 ]

    天気はまだ少し不安定ですが・・・ 明日から春らしくなる様です。 ネットにフェイスガードの作り方が色々載ってました。メガネを使う方用のモノにトライ しました。 古いA4ファイルを半分にしてメガネ部分を切り取り、つるを通す穴を左右に各二つ開け ました。顔に合わせてからセロテープで止めると更に安定します... 続きをみる

  • [ 200428 ]

    先週、車を始動しようとクラッチを踏む・・・ ペタルがペタリと床まで着いた。 テクノショップのフロントに SMS 『クラッチ切れない。車は自宅』と送信する。 直ぐに返信『デッカー車が向かいます。代車のことで損保から連絡が行きます』 やがてデッカー車が来て車は工場へ ・・・ 損保とレンタ会社から来電 ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200426 ]

    I have to stay at home while worrying about the coronavirus. I can be patient, but the kids, their parents, and the youths will be feeling hard. And ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200422 ]

    減収世帯に限った30万円給付から "手を挙げていただいた方に10万円給付する" 年金生活の私がもらっていいのかなぁ~と思ったけれど、この一言で迷わず受け取ること にした。元々は我々の税金 ・・・ 10万円を私の納得できる様に使えばいい。 こんな人を選んだのも私たち ・・・ 他にも妙な人が沢山いる ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200420 ]

    Good morning everyone! I found " flower of katakuri " yesterday. Its flower language is first love. I think It's a wonderful flower language.        ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200418 ]

    Good morning everyone! To hold each other with more affection tomorrow, let's keep a distance each other today.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or ta... 続きをみる

  • [ 200414 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's sunny this morning. Let to be nice day today too together. And, don't forget be careful to a virus.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Pl... 続きをみる

  • [ 200409 ]

    It's been a while. The restless day continues. Let's do our part in ending the Coronavirus epidemic. Let's do our best together ! ! ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200326 ]

    iphone をダッシュボードにセットしてドラレコアプリ"スマートくん"で撮りました。 セットしてある"ドラレコ"は5分間隔で前と後カメラの動画が切り替わり、MicroSD カードの出し入れも面倒なので、何かの時の為にそのまま使います。 ドライブ途中の動画はこのアプリか iphone のビデオで撮... 続きをみる

  • [ 200324 ]

    ドライブレコーダ― 昨日の午後の動画です。 湿った大粒の雪がバチバチと打ちつけて・・・ 路面がみるみる白くなりました。 iphoneで撮る動画よりきれいです・・・ 楽しい記事をアップできそうです ^^              

  • [ 200322 ]

    I can't sleep tonight. I'm licking whiskey now and thinking about my future.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200318 ]

    Good morning. It's been a while everybody. It's cold now but going to be sunny today. I'm going to drive and around Shakotan Peninsula and going to t... 続きをみる

  • [ 200309 ]

    It was sunny bright today. I played with my pet dog "Piko".                   ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200306 ]

    I thought it may be snow storms this morning from last night. But, it was not so windy and a snow was not so too. But east side of Hokkaido was cover... 続きをみる

  • [ 200303 ]

    男三人兄弟で育った私も何となく嬉しい雛祭りですが・・・ 今日も街中は静かです。 テレビ番組は次も 〃  ・・・  その話題が続きますね。          昨日、IDとPWを決め NHK+ を見ました。国会中継・・・ 目の前の画面で見てると 議員が事務官に聞きながらアタフタ答弁をしている様子などが... 続きをみる

  • [ 200227 ]

    I enjoyed the drive alone today. I had lunch at that soba shop. Hina dolls were displayed so I felt happy.                               ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Pl... 続きをみる

  • [ 200226 ]

    I have been staying home with my pet dog from 18th. My wife will be back next week. I had surgery to treat cataract in ophthalmology. It's so glad th... 続きをみる

  • [ 200223 ]

    I slept early last night. It's snowstorm this morning. And a strong wind is blowing too. The winter storm will be continued to night according to the... 続きをみる

  • [ 200220 ]

    おはようございます。 二時間ほどの"サークルの例会"に参加します。 良い天気です。 "北運河"          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200213 ]

    昨日、月遅れ?の"新年会"餅をひと臼ついて、お店に用意してもらった 雑煮を30人で美味しくいただきました。 皆さん元気に年を越して  『 今年もよろしくお願いします!』                                     Please click or tap and see ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200210 ]

    今日も真冬日ですが・・・ 厳しい寒さは和らぎました。 明後日から最高気温がプラスに一変する予報です。積もった雪が融けだしますね  。oO "マスク"売り切れだそうですね・・・  煮沸消毒して再利用とか・・・  レンジでチンして みました。かけ心地は全く変わりませんが・・・  効果のほどは分かりませ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200208 ]

    It was cold and heavy snow last night. I have a pet dog. Her name is Piko. The playground of Piko was covered with snow too. I stepped on there with ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200201 ]

    It's cloudy and quiet this morning. It's been unstable weather for a few days and my feelings were also. But I could get a fresh morning today. I'll ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200130 ]

    I attended to the study session of ESC. There were four members today. We spoke in English each other for about two hours. Our English ability is not... 続きをみる

  • [ 200128 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's cold this morning but it's cloudy and quiet. I'm worried about the spread of the new flu. Let's live with care. ブログ@ほたる ⇦... 続きをみる

  • [ 200126 ]

    曇り空でも風はなく静かな日曜日です。 ほんの数センチ積もった新雪をさくさくと片付けてさて 〃 手持ち無沙汰です。 午後から公園へ行き "ウォーキング" のんびり楽しめそうです。 Have a nice day!          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here... 続きをみる

  • [ 200125 ]

    夜中に我が家の前も大型の除雪車が・・・  ゴォ~ ガリガリィ ~ "雪はねおじさん"の運動に手ごろな程度の積雪と思うけど・・・ 除雪業者からは「少雪災害だ」との声も漏れるほど少ない  etc 普通に平年並みに経過するのが一番なのだけれど・・・ "普通ではない"ことがより心配だ。          ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200124 ]

    おはようございます。春がきた様な昨日と一変して寒い朝になりました。 これから気温は上がらず下がる一方だそうで、風雪注意報が出ています。 冬らしくなってほっとする気もします。 NHK スッピン 聴きながらツイートしてたら、国会中継 に変わりました。           ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Pleas... 続きをみる

  • [ 200123 ]

    こんばんは・・・ 一時間ほどの打合せに・・・ 駐車場からアミ越しに撮りました。 何だか良く見えない・・・ まぁ、色んなことしてると何時か参考になるかも^^          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200120 ]

    Article content and photos may be overlaps with my another blog. Please forgive me because I am writing freely. I sometimes write what I think of sud... 続きをみる

  • [ 200119 ]

    It's a cold and a little sunny and a quiet Sunday. I'll have a bit of drive because a main road is dry and it seems to be easy to drive. Let's have a... 続きをみる

  • [ 200117 ]

    Good morning. It's cloudy and cold but quiet this morning. By the way, the price of gasoline remains high. I love to drive and I use kerosene to heat... 続きをみる

  • [ 200113 ]

    Hello everyone. It's quiet today because it's little cloudy and cold but no wind. I'm staying at home with my pet dog now. But I'll drive to the next... 続きをみる

  • [ 200112 ]

    Good morning everyone. I think it will be a quiet Sunday because it's cloudy this morning but not windy. I'm worried that the amount of snow of this ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200104 ]

    It's cold tonight too, but the moon is clearly visible. I gave a new year greeting with three granddaughters on LINE. When spring comes, my wife will... 続きをみる

  • [ 200101 ]

    明けましておめでとうございます。 テレビは食事時に観る程度ですが・・・ 見慣れぬ暮れと正月の番組は持て余します。 ふと、BSボタンを押すと"寅さん"が放映されていました。 寅さんもさくらさんも浅丘ルリ子さんもピカピカで素敵ですね・・・ ^^ 今年も楽しく行きますね ❢   よろしくお願い申し上げま... 続きをみる

  • [ 191230 ]

    テレビ・ラジオの番組から "良いお年をお迎えください"と流れ、年末・年始の番組に変わり・・・ もう明日は"大晦日"です。災害の爪あとを残したまま令和二年を迎えます。 些細なことでも"私にも出来ること"から目を逸らさずに行きます。 ありがとうございました。 ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please clic... 続きをみる

  • [ 191226 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's cold but quiet this morning. We don't have almost snow and the ground is not covered with white. I want to see the white ... 続きをみる

  • [ 191223 ]

    昨日は高速で一時間ほどの道をYahoo!ナビの"おすすめ"任せで運転した。 妙な所で高速を降りる案内・・・ etc  二時間余り走って到着した。 Googleマップはと思い"評価"を見ると・・・ 似た様なものらしい。 アナウンスが遅れたりでひやりとすることもある。 自分で大筋をイメージできる道中の... 続きをみる

  • [ 191216 ]

    I looked for a Christmas present for my granddaughters today. I sent three books and three cute handkerchiefs with cards. I feel like I can see smile... 続きをみる

  • [ 191214 ]

    My son, who is on the ferry boat as a navigator, came home. He says he will board a few days later and have New Years on the ferry boat. He passed th... 続きをみる

  • [ 191211 ]

    I walked eight thousand steps today too. My pace of walking got slower than yesterday but I think not so bad. I'll walk at my own pace also tomorrow.... 続きをみる

  • [ 191210 ]

    It will be little higher temperature than usually, today. I'll walk with the goal of 8 thousand steps because I'll get lack of exercise in winter. Is... 続きをみる

  • [ 191207 ]

    It was cloudy all day today. I drove to a nearby town to eat delicious "Soba". And I have another good news. I got a new Facebook friend. By forecast... 続きをみる

  • [ 191206 ]

    Good evening everyone. I will update my blog after a long time. The cold days continued but today's coldness was little easy. I enjoy driving to Ishi... 続きをみる

  • [ 191122 ]

    Hello everyone. The sun is shining brightly today. I sat on a pipe chair and hold my dog and I was able to sped a good times. I'll drive to around Is... 続きをみる

  • [ 191117 ]

    It seems like that the storm is over. And soon the sun will shine brightly. I think It will be good Sunday. ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and se... 続きをみる

  • [ 191114 ]

    I had a slight cold few days ago. But It is almost cured today. The temperature has gone down since this morning. It may be snow storm from tonight t... 続きをみる

  • [ 191111 ]

    I enjoyed the drive alone from morning to evening. Picture is today's my lunch. It's a parking lot of Lake Toya.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or t... 続きをみる

  • [ 191106 ]

    I had been enjoyed park golf and driving and camping and motorbike touring and taking a picture and etc from Spring to now. But I can't do some of th... 続きをみる

  • [ 191102 ]

    My car was repaired yesterday. I received it but there was a part that was not cured, so I requested to repair it again. The person in charge apologi... 続きをみる

  • [ 191101 ]

    Good morning. I took a walk with my pet dog. It's cold this morning. I'll play park golf with my friend today. The season of it will be over soon. Ha... 続きをみる

  • [ 191030 ]

    Good morning! It will be getting more and more sunny today according to the weather forecast. Let's enjoy the outside work. I'll drive to the car rep... 続きをみる

  • [ 191028 ]

    Good morning! It's sunny of autumn this morning and nice to outside work. I have to clean up around my house in preparation for winter. And you? ブログ@... 続きをみる

  • [ 191027 ]

    It is a Sunday morning with a cloudy sky. According to the weather forecast, it won't rain today, but it's a little cold. I'll enjoy park golf today ... 続きをみる

  • [ 191026 ]

    I am playing park golf now.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 191025 ]

    I'm at the memorial now.          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 191024 ]

    Good morning. It is a cloudy morning but I think it will be sunny gradually. I'll play park golf with my friend. The season for park golf will become... 続きをみる

  • [ 191023 ]

    Good morning! I'll go to the hospital for regular checkups. It will be take about 1 hour and then attend to another meeting. Have a good day! *** I c... 続きをみる

  • [ 191022 ]

    Good morning! It's cloudy but not windy so quiet this morning. Today, I have to go to the memoliai and stay there to 4pm from 10am. The autumn leaves... 続きをみる

  • [ 191021 ]

    It's clear autumn sky also this morning. And I'm going to play park golf today too. Please enjoy everyone. ***          The autumn leaves were beauti... 続きをみる

  • [ 191020 ]

    It seems that we can enjoy a gentle autumn day today. I am going to enjoy park golf. Let's enjoy the autumn of sports! *** I enjoyed park golf with m... 続きをみる

  • [ 191019 ]

    Good morning all ! It's cloudy this morning and it may rain. And it will be sunny tomorrow. The weather of fall is whimsical. Have a good day. ブログ@ほた... 続きをみる

  • [ 191017 ]

    Good morning. It's cloudy and cold not so changed yesterday. I'm going to join the luncheon for about three hours. We enjoy together with have lunch ... 続きをみる

  • [ 191016 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's cloudy and more cold than yesterday. I changed into winter clothes. Have a good day!      ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap h... 続きをみる

  • [ 191015 ]

    Good morning. It's cloudy and so cold this morning. The season has moving to winter from fall. Have a good day!           ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or t... 続きをみる

  • [ 101014 ]

    Although the great storm left but there was tremendous damage. We must think about repairing the damage as well as get for the future.         ブログ@ほた... 続きをみる

  • [ 191012 ]

    Good morning.  I'm worried about a large typhoon. Please be careful. I'll do too. *** I attended to the photo club meeting today. I didn't like the c... 続きをみる