
【 四方山話 】【 趣味の写真 】【 Diary 】


  • [ 200227 ]

    I enjoyed the drive alone today. I had lunch at that soba shop. Hina dolls were displayed so I felt happy.                               ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Pl... 続きをみる

  • [ 200226 ]

    I have been staying home with my pet dog from 18th. My wife will be back next week. I had surgery to treat cataract in ophthalmology. It's so glad th... 続きをみる

  • [ 200223 ]

    I slept early last night. It's snowstorm this morning. And a strong wind is blowing too. The winter storm will be continued to night according to the... 続きをみる

  • [ 200220 ]

    おはようございます。 二時間ほどの"サークルの例会"に参加します。 良い天気です。 "北運河"          ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 200213 ]

    昨日、月遅れ?の"新年会"餅をひと臼ついて、お店に用意してもらった 雑煮を30人で美味しくいただきました。 皆さん元気に年を越して  『 今年もよろしくお願いします!』                                     Please click or tap and see ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200210 ]

    今日も真冬日ですが・・・ 厳しい寒さは和らぎました。 明後日から最高気温がプラスに一変する予報です。積もった雪が融けだしますね  。oO "マスク"売り切れだそうですね・・・  煮沸消毒して再利用とか・・・  レンジでチンして みました。かけ心地は全く変わりませんが・・・  効果のほどは分かりませ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200208 ]

    It was cold and heavy snow last night. I have a pet dog. Her name is Piko. The playground of Piko was covered with snow too. I stepped on there with ... 続きをみる

  • [ 200204 ]

    I was surprised to get up in the morning. Because there was about 20 centimeters of fresh snow. I woke up from the sound of my neighbor's snowplow. T... 続きをみる

  • [ 200201 ]

    It's cloudy and quiet this morning. It's been unstable weather for a few days and my feelings were also. But I could get a fresh morning today. I'll ... 続きをみる