
【 四方山話 】【 趣味の写真 】【 Diary 】


  • [ 190831 ]

    Good morning. It's a sunny morning. I was listening to the radio because I woke up early in the morning. When was the radio broadcast all day? I can'... 続きをみる

  • [ 190830 ]

    Good morning! It's cloudy but quiet this morning. I'll attend to the competition of Park Golf. I'll try to be at higher rank.          I participated... 続きをみる

  • [ 190829 ]

    『トンネルを抜けるとそこは雪国だった』  グーグル翻訳で英文に翻訳してみました。 After passing through the tunnel, it was a snowy country. トンネルを抜けたのは"私"or"列車"・・・ ? 私は "私が乗った列車が・・・" とかイメージしま... 続きをみる

  • [ 190828 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's cloudy this morning. It will be rainy by the weather forecast from now. The news of heavy rain is broadcasted. I hope the... 続きをみる

  • [ 190827 ]

    Good morning everybody. It ’s been a while. I'm lonely because my granddaughters have gone home, but one week has passed since then so we returned to... 続きをみる

  • [ 190820 ]

    My granddaughter went back to nagano this morning. I feel a little lonely. ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blog. Thank you.

  • [ 190817 ]

    Good morning. It's a cool morning. This morning is that I want sleep slowly. My waist pain is gone. ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my blo... 続きをみる

  • [ 190815 ]

    気持良く眠り、 今朝ベッドから降りる時・・・ 右腰脇にきつい痛みを感じた。 午後から専門外来へ行きレントゲン & 診察の結果・・・ ぎっくり腰と言うことになった。 二週間分の鎮痛剤などを処方してもらった。 大丈夫と思ったら普段通りに運動もして下さい。坐骨神経痛?! なんて自己診断が消し飛んで扇風機... 続きをみる

  • [ 190813 ]

    Good morning everyone. It's cloudy this morning,but it will be sunny from now. I will go to the Yurigahara park with my granddaughters and my wife an... 続きをみる

  • [ 190808 ]

    I drove with my three granddaughters for two days and enjoyed rafting and enjoyed the summer in Hokkaido.                   ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or... 続きをみる

  • [ 190807 ]

    The camping site in this season is lively.                                                           ブログ@ほたる ⇦ Please click or tap here and see my bl... 続きをみる

  • [ 190805 ]

    It's one week past since my granddaughter's came to my house. The hot days are continuing. It is also hot today. But the night is cool from few days ... 続きをみる