
【 四方山話 】【 趣味の写真 】【 Diary 】

[ 190704 ]

I'm in an English conversation club. I decided to write an English diary for study. Please ignore my posting article who are not interested.

Today's Otaru was quiet and cloudy. I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to the people in the area who damaged by heavy rain.

I manage the memorial about 10 days a month.
It is only from May to October.
Usually, it is quiet every day, but when the cherry blossoms bloom and when the autumn leaves are beautiful, many people come.
Sakura is over. So next time is the time of the autumn leaves in mid-October.

突然日本語になります^^ たまたまかかっていたテレビ番組で紹介されていた フォニックス での読み方です。


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